24 August 2015


SURPRISE, I HAD A BABY! Yep, I gave birth to a beautiful, healthy boy 6 weeks ago today. It seems just like yesterday that I was wondering if I would ever see the day where I would be called mama. Of course my little one isn't quite old enough to talk, but just the look in his eyes when he hears my voice or the calm in his breath when I pick him up is prize enough.

There isn't a day that goes by that I don't thank God for his role in bringing my son, Cannon into the world. Even in the wee hours of the morning, I'm grateful to be waking up with Cannon to feed or a diaper change or sometimes just to cuddle. Its all such a blessing to watch him grow and change everyday and beyond that, its so awesome to see God at work 24 hours a day.

With that said, I really want to share my and Cannon's birth story. Let me start out by saying that I started preparing myself after the loss of our first baby for Cannon's birth. A client of mine referred me to the book "Supernatural Childbirth" by Jackie Mize and I've read and given it as gifts ever since then.  Most recently (as in 4 months into my pregnancy), I purchased "Ina May's Guide To Childbirth" by Ina May Gaskin and read the stories of many of the women that gave birth on "The Farm". These stories were so empowering for me and filled with such  intensity, that I didn't finish reading the entire text. I do, however, believe I got out of it what God intended for me. As my pregnancy progressed, I started the "Hypnobabies" home study program and Keenan and I attended a four week "Birthing From Within" course all of which had us extremely prepared to give birth they way we wanted to.

On the morning that my birth started, I told Keenan, "We are going to have a baby within the next 24 hours." I decided to sit and bounce on our exercise ball for 20 minutess or so that morning as well as later that afternoon. Around 5:00 that afternoon, I decided to take a short walk, but since it was so hot at that time, we waited until about 7:30 or so to go out. I told Keenan I was having surges, so the walk may be shorter than expected. My mom went with us on the walk, but I didn't want to tell her I was having surges (she would have panicked and caused me to do the same), so I decided to power through them on our walk. Once we got back home, I had a very powerful surge and thought "Oh boy, that one was pretty serious!" I told Keenan that I thought this may be it, so we decided to get our room even more ready than it was and make sure we had everything we needed for the hospital.

Once we were done packing bags and cleaning, I decided to sit and bounce on the exercise ball a little more while I twisted my hair. We were watching a movie that happened to be a comedy and I found myself laughing at the funniest parts. That's when I started doubting if I was actually starting the birthing process; I thought maybe I had a UTI or bladder infection because that's kind of what my surges felt like. I told Keenan I wanted to shower to see if they stopped or if it would help, so he helped me get in and waited there for me as I let the hot water beat on my belly. Let me tell you, that was a genius idea at the time! It helped keep me calm and focused on what was happening.

After the shower, I told my mom I was surging and thought I was in the early phases of birthing, but not to panic. She called my sister, who came over within minutes and I went back to our room and Keenan and I started timing the surges, but they were irregular. Some were 2 minutes apart while others were 11 minutes apart. Not to mention, they didn't seem to last an entire minute (I was attempting to follow the 5-1-1 plan). Keenan got a little nervous because of the unknown and insisted we call the midwife. At this point, it was probably around 11:00pm and when we spoke to her she said it sounded like I was in the early phase of birthing and to give it more time. She did end the conversation with "If you disagree with me, feel free to go to the hospital. Just call my cell phone when you're on your way." I, for one, was content with her assessment and advice (I didn't want to go to the hospital to only be sent home), but after a few more minutes of watching me have the surges, Keenan thought it would be best to head to the hospital and I complied because I didn't know where I was in the process. Before we left, I asked Keenan to go to the grocery store (for what I can't remember) and he was back within what seemed like 5 minutes. He packed the car and we headed to the hospital with my mom and sister following behind us.

There was a certain electric feeling in the air as we were driving...it began to rain as we got into the car and lightening began to scatter across the sky. It was absolutely beautiful! Beyond that and Keenan calling his parents, I don't remember much about the car ride to the hospital.

When I got into a triage room around 1:00am, the nurse checked my cervix and I was 2.5 cm dilated, which I wasn't happy to hear because I had been told that the active part of birthing starts at around 5-6 cm and anything lower than that, you may be sent home. I continued to surge as the nurse and administrative staff came in and out of the room asking questions and giving us forms to fill out. Once it got quiet, Keenan left the room to get our bags out of the car. While he was gone, I asked about water birthing and the triage nurse asked for my certificate. *What certificate?* I needed to take a course and receive a certificate in order to have a water birth. Talk about deflated...that was the first tear I shed since I began the birthing process. I was so devastated and when Keenan got back into the room, I just lost it completely. My mom thought it was because of the surges (because that was her experience), but it truly was because my birth plan was being derailed and I had just gotten started. Meanwhile, she advised me to try to walk the halls of the hospital for two hours to see what happens. It was about an hour until I became anxious to find out my progress and returned to the triage room. A few minutes later, the nurse came back and checked me (I was then 3 cm) and informed me that most of the time when patients are less than 5 cm, they were sent home with a mild sedative and asked to come back the next day, but we would wait for Gloria, the midwife to arrive and asses me. Needless to say, I started praying right then and there. There was NO WAY my birth plan could go wrong this early in.

My mom and sister decided to go back home since there was no telling when things would pick up for us. No sooner than they left, Keenan's parents arrived. They'd come to say hi and to let us know they would be in the waiting room (by this time, it was about 3:30am). 

While we waited on Gloria to arrive, I decided to change positions in the bed to all fours and turn my "Hypnobabies" program on. I believe I fell asleep until Gloria arrived, at least an hour and a half later. When she came into the room I was so relieved to see her simply because I knew there was a light at the end of the tunnel. She checked my cervix and I was at 5cm!!! She said "Let's get you admitted." I immediately asked about the water birthing certificate and Gloria told us to get online, do the course (read pay $30) and she would print our certificate out for us.  Keenan borrowed his mom's iPad and "did the course". *YES!!! My birth plan was back on track!!*

While we waited to complete admission paperwork, the surges continued on and I knew it was time to really implement what I'd learned in our class, through my readings, and Hypnobabies. Keenan had to leave the room for a few minutes and while he was gone someone came in for me to sign some documents. When they left, I was still there alone. I decided to take the advice of our class coach and straddled the the toilet backward (of course I cleaned it first because I'm a little crazy). As I sat there rocking back and forth I remembered that my mom always told me to recite Psalms 23 when I felt the need. My granny had told her to do the same as she was growing up and became an adult.

As I began to recite what I could remember at the time, tears began to flow again. This time it was because I really felt the presence of my granny there and moreover, God. It was at that moment that I knew my birth plan would go as I had prayed and worked so hard for. When Keenan got back, he found me there, straddled the toilet with me and rubbed my back. It was at that point I decided that I wanted to talk to my body, specifically my cervix. I started grunting and chanting the phrase "OPEN UP!" As I did that Keenan would chant along with me and we used that phrase throughout the birthing process. Not long after that, I was wheeled to the delivery room followed by Keenan and all of our belongings. 

The second I got situated in the room, I decided to try the shower again. A friend of mine mentioned that the shower was amazing for her once she was in active labor, so it was pretty much a given for me to give it a shot. I have to say, at this point, in between surges the shower was awesome, but during surges,  not so much. I can't explain why the feeling wasn't comfortable for me, but I tried it, and I'm happy I did because now I know what will work for me and what will not. Not long after getting out of the shower, Gloria came to check me again and I was 7cm!!!! I asked her when would be a good time to call my birth photographer, and she advised me to ask her to come at that moment. So, I did. I also called my mom to let her know I was 7cm and that she and my sister better had come back soon. By that time it was about 7:30 am, the surges were coming back to back and Keenan and I decided to walk the halls again while we waited for the birthing pool to be prepared. 

As we walked the halls and chanted our phrase, Keenan would remind me to continue to keep my voice deep and to allow it to vibrate throughout my abdomen. As the surges came, I would let Keenan know I was ready for his support and we would chant, squat, and rock together as I held on to him tightly. In between the surges, we would walk and hold hands and talk about our future with this baby. Whenever I felt like supporting myself, Keenan would rub my back or I would lean into him and chant, squat and rock alone. During one particular surge, I remember his closeness giving me the feeling of intimacy. I began to cry and tell him how much I loved him. Again, this birthing process was exactly what I prayed for. 

We went back into the room and the tub was almost full, so I jumped in. MAN, WAS THAT AMAZING! My birth photographer, mom and sister all showed up at the same time. Since I was comfortable and had company, Keenan went to chat with his parents in the waiting room and his mom brought us some breakfast (I only ate hash browns because I had no appetite) and Keenan some coffee. I had become so comfortable with this process that in between surges I would have a full conversation. When a surge came, I would stop talking, chant and rock and go right back to what I was saying when the surge was over. I'd become an expert at getting through the surges! Gloria came in to check me once again and I was then at 8cm! I couldn't believe it and I thought "OMG!! I'm going to have a baby really soon!" After that victory, I was in the mood for music, so I asked my sister and birth photographer (who is a great friend) to find "2 of Amerikaz Most Wanted" by Tupac and Snoop Dogg on their computer. Don't judge me, I felt so empowered because I knew the end was almost near and I had done what I'd set out to do. 

After my song request was played, I decided I was tired of being in the pool and got out to walk the halls once again. Keenan and I continued with our song and dance with each surge. After a few laps, we went back into the room because Gloria and her student midwife was there to check me again. This time Gloria said I was about 9cm, but my water had pressure on it from the baby's head. Sort o of like squeezing a full water ballon, but it not bursting. She made the decision to break my water at that time and low and behold, not only did it burst, it burst all over Gloria. I'm talking face, hair, scrubs. Everywhere. She said "Well in my 30+ years of doing this, this is the first time someone's water has been that full." I apologized, but took note at how warm and cozy the baby must have been in there because that was the most comfortable temp I'd felt all day. 

As Gloria left to get cleaned up, Keenan and I did our song and dance a while longer until her student midwife came in and asked if I wanted to be checked again. Naturally, I said yes and I was 9.5cm! She told me there was a little scar tissue in the way of my cervix dilating completely to 10, but asked me if I wanted to try to push a little to see if I could get it to move. I was ready to meet my baby, so I complied. As I felt surges coming along, she would apply pressure to my perineum muscle and the feeling of the surge would disappear and I would push. We did that a few times and we were successful at getting the scar tissue to move. However, I was tired at that point and we took a rest for a few minutes and she checked me again and the scar tissue had moved back over. It was then that she asked me if I was interested in a sedative. She explained that the sedative would last an hour and wouldn't harm the baby. Its purpose was to give me an hour of rest and allow me to sleep some during the surges although, I would still feel them. Resting would also give me energy to really push when it was time and being relaxed would allow me to dilate completely. I asked if I would be confined to the bed, and she said yes. I wasn't too happy about that since movement had been my friend up until this point, but Since Keenan and I had learned about this sedative in our birthing class and spoke to a friend about it, we decided to give it a try. As I was being prepared with an IV, the nurses cleared the room except for Keenan. Which was a relief, because I wanted some time with just the two of us again since it was so beautiful when we walked the halls. 

Once I got the sedative I was to lie on my left side for half an hour and roll over to the right for a half an hour after that. I did as instructed and managed the surges quite well while on my left side. When I turned over to my right side, all hell broke loose. I was *finally* in real pain and not happy about it. I couldn't get out of bed and move around with the surges because of the IV and when I did try to move, things got worse! I did sleep in between the surges, so I suppose it was worth it at the time (although I don't know if I needed to sleep). Gloria and the student midwife came back at the hours end and checked my cervix once again. This time I was complete and ready to push. The sedative had worn off for the most part and the surges begin to feel "normal" to me again. Somehow, my mom and photographer knew when to come back and were there just in time for me to start pushing again. 

Just like before, when I was still only 9.5cm, the midwife would apply pressure to my perineum when a surge came and I would push. Both midwives were coaching me saying "push like you're having a bowel movement", and I would, but nothing was happening. I would push the baby down a little and somehow suck him back up. I even asked if I could try an alternative pushing position and they complied. It didn't help, but it was worth a shot. After what seemed like a couple of hours, the midwives asked if I was interested in a birthing bar and a mirror. The bar would help support me in the squatting position (I didn't want to lie down) and the mirror I hoped would motivate me to push properly. It took a while for the mirror to get there and when it did, the nurse that brought it was asking Gloria if she ordered a mirror. HUH?! I DEMANDED THAT SHE GET OUT! At that point, I was finally at wits end and tired. Our birthing coach from class explained to us that every woman gets to that point during birthing and that it was normal and not long after that we would be meeting our baby. One of the hospital nurses went into the hallway and got the mirror and placed it where I could see as I worked to push this baby out. Everyone in the room would tell me "There's his head, you're doing great!" 

Unfortunatly for me, not even the mirror was motivation for me to push properly, so I asked them to take it away. I was even over hearing the motivational chants coming from everyone in the room. I felt deflated and I was tired and overwhelmed at this point. The surges were no longer an issue because I figured out how to manage them, not to mention whenever one started, the midwife would apply pressure to my perineum and I could no longer feel the surge. The real issue was fatigue and delirium.   Keenan had gotten so overwhelmed that his nose started bleeding. That added even more concern to my situation and I felt like I couldn't push any longer and that I just wasn't good enough at it. My legs were cramping and I even asked the midwives to try an alternate route to get him out. I was begging for everyone in the room to help me, just reach in a take him out, or do whatever it would to get him out. It was then that Gloria grabbed each side of my face and said "Carlisa, this is YOUR job! We can help you, but we can't do it for you. YOU have to do this!" While I wanted to slap Gloria, I knew she was right and I put on my armor and went at it again. 

By this time, Keenan's nose had stopped bleeding and we were ready to start pushing again and I had found a little more strength to keep going. This time, I have no idea where the strength came from, but I pushed his head to the point where I *finally* felt like I needed to take a really bad poop and I knew that I was near the end! THAT'S WHAT MOTIVATED ME! Once, the Midwives said, "Let's take a little break." To their surprise, I told them NO WAY, I because I felt him coming out. With the next few pushes, I felt the "ring of fire", his head come out, the Midwives turn him, and the rest of his body slip out. When I opened my eyes, Keenan was holding the baby up for me to see (since he caught him) and the nurse called out TOB 4:05pm.  I was so relieved that he was out I couldn't even believe it. I couldn't wait to feel his little squishy body in my arms and see his little squishy face. 

He was placed on my chest immediately and through his tears Keenan repeated "We did it, babe. He's here". He then fell to his knees in tears and prayer and thanksgiving to God for this miracle we waited so long to see. I kissed his little face and touched his little arms and legs as he screamed to the top of his sweet little lungs. I examined him as quickly as I could before the nurse took him to weigh, measure and run his APGAR test.  While he was being tested and I birth the placenta, my mom ran to the waiting room to tell my dad, in laws, sister, and nephew that he was born and gave his stats. Of course they all came back to the room, but the men had to stay out for a while until I was decent. It was then that I asked the midwife had I torn, and to my surprise she said I hadn't. She also said that everything was perfect including my placenta. 

Once I was decent and before the medical staff left the room, I told Gloria that she was the first midwife I'd seen at the practice and I liked her right away. I added that as she was walking out of our exam room that day, I asked if she still caught babies and she said "I couldn't imagine my life doing anything else", and I told Keenan that I wanted her to help me birth this baby. The realization that everything I asked for, I received from God caused me to cry and once again, the entire room was in tears.  

*Cannon latched perfectly immediately after birth
*We elected to do delayed cord clamping, circumcision, and bathing
*We also declined initial shots and eye ointment
*The hypnobabies program suggests that if we change out language regarding birthing, we change our minds about the process as well.

A special thanks to Intown Midwifery for guiding us throughout our pregnancy and keeping us sane through the process.

10 May 2015

The Mothers We Are

So its Mother’s Day and most mothers are getting flowers, a spa day, and breakfast in bed. Usually when we are mothers ourselves, we get a dose of reality on this day and an even larger dose when our mothers have been called to glory.

There are so many types of mothers to be honored on a day like today. There are the birth mothers, adoptive mothers, aunts, grandmothers, Godmothers, and the list goes on. I’d like to recognize mothers like me. I am the mother that has longed for a child for quite a while. God blessed me once with the miracle of life and shortly there after, He had different plans for my husband and me. I won’t get into the story, but you can read it here.

This experience made me realize a lot of things about Mother’s Day as a holiday. I’d always had heartfelt feelings for those who’s mom had been called to glory, because they would be surrounded by everyone else celebrating their mom and I’d imagine that had to be quite the task to deal with.  What I didn’t realize is that Mother’s Day would also be a task for me. Year after year I would be reminded that I’d lost a baby and was not pregnant again. I hid behind being grateful for my mom and mourning my bestfriends mom. Not that these feelings for our moms wasn’t real, but it erased my feelings of failure, emptiness and expectation for a few moments.

For a few years, waking up on Mother’s Day was dreadful. I felt that I deserved to be called mom. After all, I had been pregnant. I also knew there was something not quite right with my pregnancy, and I loved for my child with out limit. That’s what mother’s do, right? In general, they have these experiences and feelings about their children. My mother has always known when there was something not quite right with me, she gave birth to me, and she truly loves me without a limit. I see other mother’s follow this same model, but somehow I was left out of the equation because my child was not physically present to anyone except for me.

Last year I decided to acknowledge that I was a mom. I realized that hiding my pain was no longer an option for me. I’d suppressed my feelings for far too long and I no longer desired the discomfort that I had on Mother’s Days following my loss. Despite the fear of judgment, I acknowledged that God had made me a mother and there are others like myself. We were mothers and no one knew it. Or counted us. We deserved to be counted.

I told my husband “I am a mother!” I saluted others and myself like me because we deserved it just as much as the mothers with physically present children. Our love is not any less deep than those mothers. We felt the same guilt that other mothers feel when things didn’t go as planned for our children. We still lost sleep at night concerning ourselves with our children. We missed our children when they’d left the nest. Yes. We are mothers.

Since then, God has blessed with and many others with children after a tragic loss. We still love our angel babies and will never forget the experience of loving and losing in this way.

If you know someone that has lost a baby at any point during gestation or after, please let her know she’s not invisible, that you see her and love her. Give her the Mother’s Day she’s dreamed of. After all, all she wants is to hear the words Happy Mother’s Day.